Links Useful Links Singapore Intellectual Property Offices/Organisations Intellectual Property Office of Singapore AIPPI & AIPPI National Groups AIPPI International AIPPI-Australia: Australian Group of AIPPI AIPPI-Brazil: ABPI - Associação Brasileira da Propriedade Intelectual AIPPI-Canada: Canadian Group of AIPPI AIPPI-Finland: Finnish Group of AIPPI AIPPI-Germany: Deutsche Landesgruppe der AIPPI AIPPI-Italy: AIPPI Gruppo italiano AIPPI-Rep. of Korea: Korean Group of AIPPI AIPPI-The Netherlands: Nederlandse Groep van de AIPPI AIPPI-Spain: Grupo español de la AIPPI AIPPI-Switzerland: Schweizerische Vereinigung zum Schutz des Geistigen Eigentum AIPPI-United Kingdom: UK Group of AIPPI International Intellectual Property Offices/Organisations World Intellectual Property Organisation The Intellectual Property Constituency of ICANN